When purchasing any electric scooter from Ocean East Supply Australia Pty Ltd (hereafter in abbreviation as OESA or us), you:

  1. Acknowledge that OESA has the ownership of this website.
  2. Agree to be solely liable for violation of any laws, rules and regulations while riding our e-scooter.
  3. Agree to be solely responsible and liable for any consequences, claims, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses, penalties, lawyers’ fees, judgements’ fees and disbursements, as a result of your actions while riding any e-scooter bought from us. 
  4. Acknowledge and accept that you must wear a helmet that meets the AS/NZS standard certification at all times while riding our e-scooters, whether required by law or not.
  5. Acknowledge that accidents, personal injuries, death and other harm can happen when you are operating an e-scooter purchased from us, including but not limited to a result of falling, collisions, encountering hidden obstacles and varying terrain and aggravation of existing health conditions, etc.
  6. Acknowledge that you have been warned about these possibilities, and you assume all risks in relation to the operation of purchased e-scooters from us. This provision will constitute a risk warning for the purposes of any applicable law and may operate to exclude or limit any rights you might otherwise have against us. 
  7. Agree that you will not modify or alter manufacturer’s speed settings and any parts of our scooters.
  8. Agree that you will use this website in accordance with all applicable local, state, national and international laws, rules and regulations.
  9. Acknowledge that we hold the copyright to the content of this website, including all uploaded files, layout design, data, graphics, articles, file content, codes, videos, reviews, and databases contained on the website or in connection with the Services. You must not use our copyright material other than as permitted by law. 
  10. Acknowledge that the products may be slightly different to the products shown in the video or picture in the website, e.g. the video show the scooter has the bell, but the actual scooter has no bell, etc. Please refer to the manual of the products.
  11. Acknowledge that these terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Western Australia. Any disputes concerning this website are to be resolved by the courts having jurisdiction in WA.